Earth Day: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Did you know that homes and commercial buildings account for 40% of the United States’ energy use? Are you doing your part in reducing your carbon footprint? Check out these tips and realize just how easy it is to Go Green!

Source: New Empire Group | Published on April 22, 2019

Earth in Heart shape on green grass on sunlight, Love and Save the World for the Next Generation concept, Earth day concept, Elements of this image furnished by NASA,
  • Increase Energy Efficiency – Switch your light bulbs to LED or CFL Lights. Research shows that about 12% of an average home’s energy bill goes towards lighting. Many utility companies even offer programs that allow you to receive these bulbs for free or get rebates!
  • Reduce Water Consumption – Fixing leaky faucets, installing low-flow sinks, showerheads and toilets can all help reduce your homes water consumption. According to, 10 percent of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day. The average household’s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year so make sure you pay attention to those pesky leaks!
  • Seal Gaps around doors and windows – Have you checked for gaps around doors and windows lately? These types of gaps, no matter the size add up! Installing weather stripping around doors and windows can save you up to 10% on your heating and cooling bills each year!
  • Consider buying low or no-VOC materials – According to the Environmental Protection Agency, many household items, including furniture, paint, building materials, etc. contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can irritate your eyes and respiratory tract and could potentially affect your central nervous system. In order to reduce these indoor air pollutants in your home, it’s best to choose low or no-VOC products and all natural household cleaners.

Remember to always Reduce, Reuse & Recycle! – These all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away each day while conserving natural resources, landfill space and energy!

Taking the right steps in ‘Going Green’ really makes a difference in lessening your home’s impact on the environment. Making your home more green can reduce waste and minimize pollutants while helping to reduce the costs of your energy bills!

Happy Earth Day!