Legal Malpratice Liability Claims Costs Soar

The frequency of legal malpractice claims remained relatively flat last year, but the severity of claims continued to rise. According to a report issued by specialty broker Ames & Gough, seven of the 11 leading insurers writing lawyers professional liability insurance surveyed reported claims frequency similar to 2020.

Source: Ames & Gough/Business Insurance | Published on May 24, 2022

Lawyer working with documents. Justice and law, attorney, concept. Man signing contract papers

However, the report said, “The last several years have been the worst on record for legal malpractice claim payouts.”

"Within the last two years, the insurance market (including mutual insurance companies, Lloyd's of London, and commercial market insurers) has seen at least five claims settle for more than nine figures," according to the report.

The most claims are filed in three key practice areas: trust and estates, business transactions, and corporate and securities.

According to the report, there has also been an increase in the number of legal malpractice claims filed against insurance defense lawyers.

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