The State of Digital Payments in P&C Insurance: ReSource Pro Report

Across the board, consumers are increasingly demanding digital payment options.

Source: ReSource Pro | Published on November 17, 2023

digital insurance transactions

Across the board, consumers are increasingly demanding digital payment options. From tapping their phone to buy groceries and receiving a tax refund electronically via direct deposit, people expect a fast, easy, and secure payment experience. While many in the insurance industry offer a digital premium payment option, too many remain on the sidelines, especially when it comes to claim payouts, risking not only the loss of customers but also increased costs, inefficiencies, and the risk of check fraud. It is clear now more than ever that the imperative for P&C insurance to provide digital payments is here.

New research report from ReSource Pro provides a comprehensive overview of the digital payment methods and capabilities insurance companies can leverage today. The report also offers a sampling of the vendor landscape, offering insight into the range of digital premium and claims solutions in the market. It concludes with our call to action for carriers on why now is the time to invest in digital payments.

Source: ReSource Pro