Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Issues Emergency Rule, Halts Insurance Cancellations During COVID-19 Emergency Declaration

Microscopic illustration of the spreading 2019 corona virus that was discovered in Wuhan, China. The image is an artisic but scientific interpretation, with all relevant surface details of this particular virus in place, including Spike Glycoproteins, Hemagglutinin-esterase, E- and M-Proteins and Envelope.

The rule stops cancellations, non-renewal, and non-reinstatement by insurers, but customers must still pay their insurance bills. Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon issued Emergency Rule 40 Friday to address the statewide public health emergency, a release from the commissioner’s office said. In summary, Emergency Rule 40 does the following: Defines the insurance carriers and the… Continue reading Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Issues Emergency Rule, Halts Insurance Cancellations During COVID-19 Emergency Declaration